
8th PhD Academy on Innovation and Competence Building Systems

The Academy will be held online and hosted by the Jaramogi Odinga Oginga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST) and the AfricaLics Secretariat. The AfricaLics network is an academic research and capacity building network that focuses on how innovation (the process through which new or improved products, processes, organisational forms, ways of working and acting […]

Globelics Academy 2022 – The 15th International PhD School on Innovation and Development

The aim of the Globelics Academy PhD School is to support the training of PhD students from all over the world writing theses on issues related to innovation systems and development. The Academy brings together frontier researchers in innovation with PhD students from the South and the North in order to inspire and qualify their […]

5th AfricaLics Research Conference – University of Yaoundé II, Cameroon

Hosted by University of Yaoundé II and Pan-African University, Institute for Governance, Humanities and Social Sciences (PAUGHSS) Theme: National Innovation System for Resilience and Sustainable Development in Africa The 5th AfricaLics International Conference is being held at the opportune time as the African economies recover from post COVID-19 impact while still struggling to attain sustainable […]

9th PhD Academy on Innovation and Competence Building Systems

The AfricaLics network, hosted by the African Centre for Technology Studies, is an academic research and capacity building network that focuses on how innovation (the process through which new or improved products, processes, organizational forms, ways of working and acting are introduced into new environments) occurs and the relationship this has with economic and social […]

End of year party celebration

Online via Zoom , Kenya

How to register If you are interested in attending the webinar, please register via this link or get in touch with Yvonne Gitu at for more details. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email from AfricaLics Zoom account containing information about joining the webinar. Please ensure you add the invitation to your calendar.

Are we using the right metrics? Towards a research and theoretical agenda for innovation measurement in Africa

Abstract Increasingly, African states recognise the use of science, technology and innovation (STI) measurement for assessing progress towards the SDGs and STI Strategy for Africa (STISA) targets, as well as monitoring STI policy achievements at a national level. A concern is that STI measurement is heavily reliant on concepts and theories transposed from the literature […]

Developing Technology Policy in Africa

Online via Zoom , Kenya

This seminar proposes a revised perspective for Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) policies in Africa, one that focuses more on the direct facilitation of economic production at domestic levels. It suggests the creation of institutional frameworks designed to embed new knowledge directly into economic production itself. This argument supports the growth of the small-scale and informal sectors, […]

The Making of a Nobel Laureate in the Interdisciplinary Field of Transformative Innovation System(TIS)

Online via Zoom , Kenya

The Nobel prizes that are awarded annually are in  peace, economics, literature , physiology, chemistry, physics and medicine.  Mathematics , environmental science, astronomy and Transformative innovation systems(TIS) are not included in the annual nobel laureate award. The  transformative innovation system must be included as a field of research and learning  by making sure the Nobel […]

Sustainable Agrifood Systems Transformation in Africa – A Mission Orientated Agricultural Innovation System Perspective

Online via Zoom , Kenya

Smallholder dominated agrifood systems in sub-Sahara Africa, like other developing regions are at a transformative crossroad shaped by multiple, interacting social, environmental, and economic challenges. These include persisting food and nutrition insecurity coupled with food waste and loss, effects of climate change induced extreme weather, biodiversity loss, global threats like conflict and economic crises that […]

10th PhD Academy on Innovation and Competence Building Systems

                Hosted by University of Johannesburg and University of Thomas SANKARA Please use the link below to download the French version of the call Download The AfricaLics network is an academic research and capacity building network that focuses on how innovation occurs, this is the process through which […]

Bridging the Gap and Strengthening Connections Between Academia and Policymaking

Online via Zoom , Kenya

Communicating research findings to policymakers is crucial for bridging the gap between academia and real-world impact. This webinar will explore effective strategies, best practices, and case studies to bridge the gap between research outcomes and policymaking processes. During the discussions, we will explore the importance of effective communication strategies in conveying complex research insights to […]

Sectoral systems of innovation. Learnings from South Africa

Online via Zoom , Kenya

This webinar examines the evolving nature of research and innovation policy and associated outcomes in South Africa. It critiques research and innovation policy starting at the micro level of the firm, through to the aggregate level of STI indicators. Four case studies, each within their own sectoral. The Case studies elicit the nature and origins […]

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