Embarking on knowledge packed study visit: AfricaLics visiting fellows’ 2023 cohort

By Mourine Chepkemoi 

The African Network for Economics of Learning, Innovation, and Competence Building Systems (AfricaLics) welcomed their Visiting Fellows 2023 Cohort to the vibrant city of Johannesburg for a transformative study visit spanning three months, from the 1st of September to 30th of November at University of Johannesburg in collaboration with the Trilateral Research Chair in Transformative Innovation, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Sustainable Development (TRCTI). This study visit, comprising a diverse group of scholars from across the African continent as show in the figure below. The study visit is marked by a series of insightful meetings, training sessions, and impactful presentations aimed at advancing research and innovation. 

VFP UJ 2023
Figure 1: VFP 2023 Cohort details

During the three-month study visit, holds a set of expectations aimed at advancing their research and academic growth. An anticipate fruitful research collaborations, hoping to engage with more experts and gain fresh insights into their fields. Access to specialized resources, such as libraries, UJ is well known for its commitment to innovation and its modern, state-of-the-art library facilities, and has been recognized for its forward-thinking approach to education and research. Additionally, students seek opportunities for networking, aiming to build a network of academic contacts that may lead to future collaborations and career opportunities. This study visit is also seen as a pathway to personal and professional growth, encompassing cultural immersion, adaptability, and the development of research and advanced presentation skills. Students aspire to contribute positively to their host institutions through seminars, workshops, and knowledge sharing, while also aiming to publish their research and gain recognition in their respective fields. Ultimately, the overarching expectation is that these experiences will leave a lasting, beneficial impact on their academic and career development, whether in academia, research, or other professional domains

One of the standout events during this three-month study visit was a one-week workshop held from the 18th to the 22nd of November. This intensive workshop brought together mentors and home supervisors, offering a unique opportunity for the fellows to engage in one-on-one discussions and receive personalized guidance. They provide visiting fellows with a supportive and constructive environment in which to discuss their research, address challenges, and gain valuable insights from experienced mentors. These interactions foster collaborative learning and contribute to the professional development of the fellows, enabling them to hone their research skills and advance their projects.

AfricaLics is committed to helping African PhD students working in the field of Innovation and Development to strengthen their academic/research qualifications; improve quality of their dissertations and prepare for a career in innovation and development either within academia or outside (e.g. in the private sector or in government/policy making). This study visit at the University of Johannesburg aligns perfectly with its mission. The University of Johannesburg, renowned for its expertise in various fields, including economics and innovation, served as an ideal host institution for the visiting fellows.

AfricaLics and the University of Johannesburg are set to continue their collaboration in the coming years, ensuring that the Visiting Fellow program remains a cornerstone for knowledge exchange and research excellence in the region. This endeavor promises to play a crucial role in advancing the field of innovation and learning across the African continent, ultimately driving positive change and development in the region.

Embarking on knowledge packed study visit: AfricaLics visiting fellows’ 2023 cohort
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