The purpose of the AfricaLics PhD Academies is to support the training of African Doctoral students engaged in research in the field of ‘Innovation and Development’; a multidisciplinary social science research area that includes elements of innovation studies and development studies. This is an under-acknowledged field of study in much of Africa. The Academies provide a chance for PhD students to come together and support each other as well as receive training and stimulate their awareness of policy and management issues related to this field of research. The major goal is to ensure that young scholars are equipped with the requisite research, theoretical and analytical capability to interrogate the African innovation landscape with the ultimate goal of being able to generate evidence-based insights for potential uptake by policymakers, private sector and civil society actors, international development agencies and other stakeholders.
10th PhD Academy
Hosted by University of Johannesburg, South Africa and University of Thomas SANKARA, Burkina Faso
9th PhD Academy
Hosted by University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
8th PhD Academy
Hosted by Jaramogi Odinga Oginga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST), Kenya
7th PhD Academy
Hosted by University of Gondar, Ethiopia
6th PhD Academy
Hosted by Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech, Morocco
5th PhD Academy
Hosted by NACETEM, Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife
4th PhD Academy
Hosted by Ecole Superieure de Commerce de Tunis in collaboration with the University of Manouba, Tunisia
3rd PhD Academy
Hosted by Moi University, Kenya
2nd PhD Academy
Hosted by Institut Supérieur de Gestion et de Planification (ISGP), Algeria
1st PhD Academy
Hosted by ACTS and Moi University, Kenya