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Call for Papers - Globelics International Conference 2025
Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Development to Build Resilience for Global Challenges
Date: 25th - 28th November 2025
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This year’s Globelics conference focuses on innovation for sustainable and inclusive development, addressing global challenges like inequality, climate change, and geopolitical disruptions, especially in developing nations.
The event is co-hosted by the National Research Foundation, DSI/NRF Trilateral Chair in Transformative Innovation, with partners in Tshwane University of Technology, the University of Witwatersrand, and the Human Sciences Research Council.

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Conference participants
PhD VFP Scholars

What We Do

AfricaLics connects scholars working within the areas of innovation and development with specific focus on these issues for African countries. We provide networking opportunities and increase access to education to enhance economic and socially sustainable development in Africa. We provide these opportunities for scholars through various activities including: conferences, PhD academies , visiting fellows programme for PhD students and post-doctoral researchers and dedicated online networking platforms.

Thematic Areas

AfricaLics initially worked within various themes that were seen by scholars involved in the establishment of the network to be under-researched and later has worked to fill some of the gaps. Today members of AfricaLics work on many different topics and thematic areas, ranging from firm level innovation, STI indicators, agricultural innovation systems, innovation and low-carbon development to inclusive innovation and the intersections between innovation and global value chains.

The network currently has two established thematic coordinators: one on development of STI indicators suitable for African contexts and the other on the intersections between innovation and Global Value Chains. Reports from the two thematic coordinators will be posted on our website as they are being completed. Two more thematic coordinators are in the making (on green transition/energy and agricultural innovation systems respectively).


Members of AfricaLics are expected to be supportive of the goals as they are set out in the preamble above and to act accordingly. They are also expected to take an active part in AfricaLics Conferences and – where relevant – in AfricaLics Academies and participate in other activities of the network.

Alumni Testimonials

AfricaLics academy positively changed my career path, and for that I am appreciative. I want to use this platform to say a big thank you to the Sida and founding members of AfricaLics. Indeed you have sown a good seed; it is growing, I am growing, I can attest to some other participants that have also grown. I am better compared to where I started in 2015. Thank you AfricaLics, I represent AfricaLics, I stand for United Africa, I speak to move Africa forward and I work to develop Africa.
Dr. Blessing funke Ajao
PhD Academy Alumni
PhD Visiting Fellowship Programme is a great platform that exposes African PhD scholars to the dynamics and perspectives of academics and practices in innovation and development. The Programme is well structured to balance the life of a PhD scholar, practicing the old slogan of the GLOBELICS community of “work hard and have fun”. The work hard part of the visiting programme takes the big part of the slogan for the PhD scholars but the fun part compensates the stress from the workings.
Dr. Justina Onumah
VFP Alumni

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